The Borough of Dumont has passed an amendment to the Shade Tree ordinance that requires a permit before ANY tree can be removed within the Borough, effective September 20, 2013. This ordinance applies to all trees, be they on private property or on public right of way. Before ANY tree can be removed, the homeowner or contractor will need to secure a permit from the Building Department for a fee of $25.00.

Caring for Trees for Today, Planting Trees for Tomorrow
Tree Removal Permit
Go to: dumontnj.gov
Dumont requires a permit before any tree can be removed in the Borough. The permit process begins with a visit to the Borough Hall Building Department, 50 Washington Ave. You will need your property survey, the Tree Removal Permit Application, information about the tree company hired to do the work, and verification that they are insured. Don't worry if you have not selected a tree company—you can begin the process without that.
Hazardous Tree Report
If you have any concerns about a BOROUGH TREE, call the Shade Tree Desk at Borough Hall, 201-387-5027. Please give your name, street address, phone number and explain the tree issue. Someone from the DPW will inspect the tree. Please give the DPW two (2) weeks to perform an inspection. If it is an emergency, please state that!