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Applications are being accepted for FALL 2024 ADOPT-A-TREE PLANTING. Download an application below.

Relevant statistics:

  • Public tree removals (these are trees owned by ALL CITIZENS OF DUMONT): 2010 through 6 months 2022: 826 trees removed, all these trees were inspected by DSTC and removed as per guidelines for health and safety.

  • Private trees removed (these are trees on private property and removed in accordance with the permit process adopted Sept. 2013); 2013 through 6 months 2022: 1,058 permits representing 1,904 trees removed

  • Shade Tree Commission tree planting program (trees planted by and at the direction of the DSTC); 2009 through 6 months 2022: 1,097 trees planted


Total number of trees lost in the Boro: 2,730

Total number of trees planted: 1,097


The value of trees to ALL RESIDENTS of the Boro, whether on private property or within the public space is not always appreciated. In an era of increasing storm severity, loss of natural resources, and severe flooding the cavalier disregard for the value of trees is troubling.

Dumont struggles with with higher storm water mitigation costs and poorer quality of life for many residents. Trees are one of the best, and least expensive, tools for combating flooding.


Some examples of the value to residents of Dumont:

Stormwater mitigation - from 13,900 gal to 40,000 gallons per year EACH TREE

Air quality -  oxygen for 2-10 people per year EACH TREE

Air quality - reduced CO2, reduced pollutants, reduced health care costs as a result

Cooling - reduction in air conditioning costs between 20 and 56% 

Quality of life - higher property values, lower crime, greater biodiversity


A properly managed urban forest is essential for the health of this community and all its citizens.

As part of the ongoing renovation of our community, the Dumont Shade Tree Commission is planting trees as part of the Adopt-A-Tree program. The commission will purchase and plant these trees at no cost to the homeowner.


The program is designed to improve the streetscape of our community through the planting of trees around the borough. All the trees are planted at the direction of the DSTC in front of homes in Dumont where they will have the best chance for a long and healthy life. Two elements are critical for the success of the program; the right tree for the right location, and homeowners who will watch over the trees.


Once the trees are planted, they will need to be watered and watched over.

Adopt a Tree.png

Trees provide a healthier environment for everyone, Thanks for being a Green Neighbor!

Which Tree and Where?



Examples: ​

  • Little Leaf Linden - Tilia cordata

  • Red Oak - Quercus rubra

  • Sycamore - Platanus occidentalis





  • American Hornbeam - Carpinus caroliniana

  • American Yellowwood
    Cladrastit kentukea (lutea)

  • Red Maple - Acer Rubrum




Examples: ​

  • Cherry - Prunus serrulata "Kwanzan"

  • Hawthorn - Crataegus exyacantha

  • Redbud - Cersis canadensis

When applying for the Adopt-a-Tree program, please include the following important information about where you want us to plant the tree: location of any underground sprinklers, overhead wire locations, nearest trees, adjacent sidewalks, driveway or other hard surfaces, and any structures. This will help us determine the right tree to plant. Utility mark-outs will also be ordered prior to planting.

Ready to Adopt-a-Tree? Fill out this Form!

Thank you for submitting your request!

Adopt-A-Tree plantings are done as resources allow, usually once in the Spring and once in the Fall. We will contact you as we are staking out for the new trees before the planting crew arrives. Trees are planted in the borough Right of Way and are the sole responsibility of the DSTC. Planting subject to available nursery stock.

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