Educational Seminars
Presentations for those who want to learn more about trees and how they improve our lives here in Dumont and in the world, usually in partnership with Licensed Tree Experts, professional foresters, or other scientists, and opportunities to earn CEUs.
The 2021 Seminar was virtual due to the ongoing pandemic, broadcast live from the Dumont Shade Tree Nursery, hosted by Ray Slaman, with guest arborist Joe Ulrich.
Lorraine Mattes of the Alpine Environmental Commission was the winner of one of the nursery trees at our Seminar on March 20th. We planted an Eastern Redbud tree next to The Memorial Rock on Monument Lane, with Mayor Paul H. Tomasko, the Alpine DPW and Environmental Commission.
Steve Isaacson of Closter, second winner of the nursery tree at our Seminar on 3/20, asked that the tree be planted in Dumont. On Earth Day 2021 a hawthorn tree was donated and planted by the children at Tutor’s Link in Dumont. DSTC Vice President Tom Fisichella and Councilman Conor Gorman were also in attendance.
Earth Day Event at Tutor's Link, Dumont, NJ
Councilman Gorman, Commissioner Fisichella with the children after planting the DSTC Nursery tree.
In 2017, Captain Bill Sheehan of Hackensack Riverkeeper spoke about how important trees are in a healthy watershed.
In 2013, Arborists Joe Ulrich and Rob Gillies presented our seminar titled "Trees: Weather or Not," which informed citizens on the importance of responsibly maintaining tree canopies during a time when climate is changing.